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3 Must-Have Pinterest Plugins For WordPress

3 Must-Have Pinterest Plugins For WordPress

February 2022

Pinterest is a growing platform that is being used by many businesses to gain more exposure. If this is you and you’re wanting to take your business to the next level, then you’ll want to add a Pinterest WordPress plugin to your website. 

A Pinterest WordPress plugin adds a feature to your website that encourages your visitors to follow you on Pinterest or to pin your content. It’s an easy way to connect users from your website directly to your Pinterest profile, ensuring that they don’t get lost along the way.

Plugins are easy to install and relatively simple to use. While the pro version of many gives you access to more features, the free version will still add a lot to your website and to the user’s overall experience on it. 

These plugins are extremely useful in helping to grow your business reach. The top 3 Pinterest plugins for WordPress are: 

  1. Pin Generator
  2. GS Pins for Pinterest
  3. Weblizar Pin it

Before getting into the plugin’s details, let’s take a quick look at what they are and how you can install them. 

Understanding the Function of a Plugin

The great thing about having a Pinterest account is that you can link it to all of your business profiles on other platforms and vice versa. However, when wanting to send people from your website to your Pinterest account, you’re going to need help from a WordPress plugin.

A WordPress plugin is a small software application that you install on your website. Once it has been installed, it gives your website access to new features and functions. When trying to understand how it works, you can think of your website as your smartphone.

Installing a new WordPress plugin on your website is similar to installing a new application on your smartphone. Without it, your phone will still work perfectly. However, with it, your device is instantly made a lot more fun and engaging. 

This is the same with WordPress plugins. Without any plugins, your website will still work and fulfill all of its necessary jobs. However, with each plugin comes new and exciting features that make visitors want to stay on it for longer. 

Pinterest plugins in particular not only make your website more interesting, but it creates a link between your website content and your Pinterest profile- something that we always want to encourage!

We want to make our websites more engaging and WordPress has made it easy for us to do just that. By allowing developers to add their own code, installing a plugin has never been easier!

How to Install a Plugin

When on your WordPress backend, you’ll be able to see an admin column running down the left-hand side of the screen. On that list will find and click on the word ‘plugins.’

Here you will see a list of all your website plugins that you have already installed. Next to each will be the option to activate or deactivate its features. 

If you’re looking to install a new plugin, near the top of the screen you’ll see the words “add new.” Here, you will be able to search for and find new plugins easily. After finding the plugin that you want, click ‘download’ and wait for the process to be complete.

After downloading your plugin, click on the word ‘activate’ to enjoy all the new plugins features. Once the plugin has been activated, it’s ready to use immediately and you’ll be able to play around with it. 

Each plugin will have a number of different features available to you, each with the ability to be customized. This allows you to enjoy the plugin features while sticking to your website’s aesthetic. 

3 Must-Have Pinterest Plugins for WordPress

Choosing a Pinterest WordPress plugin can be tricky, mostly because there are so many options to choose from. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the 3 must-have plugins.

1. Pin Generator

Pin Generator is a Pinterest WordPress plugin that allows you to generate a pin for your blog post. The best part is that it can be done with just a click of a button!

Gone are the days of taking hours to create a blog post pin. With Pin Generator, your blog will have an eye-catching and quality pin ready in a matter of seconds. With a number of different design features to choose from, you will be able to create the perfect pin for your post. 

From colors and templates to fonts and pictures, you have the ability to choose and edit every element of your pin. This provides a time-saving way of creating a quality pin with the freedom to customize it in any way that you desire. It’s the best of both worlds if you ask us!

Once created, this pin will be found at the bottom of your blog after it is published. By doing so, this plugin helps to create an easy way for your website’s visitors to engage with and pin your content on Pinterest. 

By making this step as easy as possible, you’re increasing the chances of them engaging with your content. This not only drives more traffic to your website, but it also allows your business to gain more exposure on another platform and with a new audience.  

2. GS Pins for Pinterest

This plugin is one of the top picks on WordPress because it allows you to display your Pinterest content anywhere on your website, in any way that you’d like. 

GS Pins for Pinterest achieves this by using shortcodes and widgets to get the pins that you desire. As for the design, it has all of the features necessary to create the perfect display of your favorite pins. 

Whether the pins that you want to be displayed are old or new, this plugin will make it happen for you. There are no limits when it comes to the content that you want to be displayed, allowing room for your company’s needs to be met. 

While paying for the pro version will give you access to more features, the free version is still worth your while. This WordPress plugin is relatively simple to use but can be a huge asset to your website. 

3. Weblizar Pin It

By using the Pinterest Javascript library, Weblizar Pin It gives you the ability to add a ‘pin it’ button to your website content. This has a number of benefits for both the engagement on your website and on your Pinterest profile.

By providing an easy way for visitors to pin your content, they’re more likely to save your pins and engage with your posts. What’s more, their engagement with your posts will spread awareness of your business and its products to anyone who follows them.

This Pinterest WordPress plugin allows you to add the ‘pin it’ feature to website pages, blog posts, or even images. However, if you decide that you don’t want it on certain parts of your website, you are also able to hide it for that particular content. 

This feature makes pinning your content easier for users while still giving you the freedom to control how this plugin is represented on your website. 

Sign Up With Pin Generator Today!

Pin Generator is a part of the top 3 must-have WordPress plugins for a reason. It allows you to create an eye-catching pin in seconds, without compromising on quality. 

This Pinterest automation solution helps you to create a high volume of quality content, while still allowing room for your creativity. With the ability to edit every element of the pin, you can ensure that it screams your business when looking at it.

Creating content can be stressful and keeping up with Pinterest demands can be even worse. That’s where Pin Generator comes in. By simply adding your website, blog, or product link, this Pinterest tool uses it to pull all of the information it needs to create visually appealing content. 
If it sounds too good to be true, go and give it a try free of charge! If you’ve used this tool before, we’d love to hear your feedback or to answer any questions that you may have. So, what are you waiting for? Get pinning!

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